Friday, November 4, 2011

Were our Ancestors Dumb?

One of the biggest assumptions of modern society is that, anything that is being discovered or invented today is being done so for the first time in Human history. In other words, in spite of having the same brain for over two million years, and known history of ancient civilizations for over past 10000 years or so, we assume that only in the last 4-5 centuries did the human beings started thinking scientifically and are doing technological inventions and scientific discoveries. We assume that all our ancient ancestors were dumbs who spent time in blind faiths, unscientific practices, uncivilized activities and so on.

Now this myth is nothing different from the medieval belief that earth was the center of the universe, that our place in the universe was something special. Where as the truth is that in the vastness of this universe we are much smaller than a quark inside a proton within an atom inside a grain of sand as compared to the size of the planet earth. The universe is so large that we are nowhere to be seen on its scale.

We tend to ignore the fact that long before the Greek were thinking that the Earth was flat and was the center of the universe, the ancient Indians had declared that Earth was round and revolving around the Sun.

Learn from the Great Scientists, Historians and Writers

When we believe that modern technology is really modern, this prejudice makes us question great physicists like Oppenheimer, the father of modern atomic bomb who on seeing the first nuclear explosion in the last century said that he had read the description of a  nuclear weapon in Bhagavadgita – the ancient Sanskrit text which says,

“If the radiance of a thousand suns

Were to burst at once into the sky

That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one…

I am become Death,

The shatterer of Worlds.”

When asked about how he felt on exploding the first atomic bomb on earth, Oppenheimer replied that the explosion was “First in modern times“.

It is not that we cannot believe such things, it is simply that we DO NOT want to believe this. How can my great grand father be more intelligent than me? is our attitude. We forget that it is our great ancestors who taught us how to count.

We seldom realize the importance of what Einstein said

- We should be thankful to Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery would have been possible.

We fail to recognize the magnitude of the famous British Historian Grant Duff’s words

- Many of the advances in the sciences that we consider today to have been made in Europe were in fact made in India centuries ago.

We ignore what the American Historian Will Durant said

- India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages. India was the mother of our philosophy, of much of our mathematics, of the ideals embodied in Christianity… of self-government and democracy. In many ways, Mother India is the mother of us all.

Most of us are not even aware of the historical facts which the famous French philosopher and writer Voltaire knew when he wrote

- It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganges to learn geometry…But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins’ science not been long established in Europe


The famous American Writer - Mark Twain

What made the famous American Writer Mark Twain say

- India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition

What was Carl Sagan, the famous physicist trying to imply when he said

- The Hindu religion  is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths.  It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, no doubt by accident, to those of modern scientific cosmology.  Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.  And there are much longer time scales still.

What did he mean when he further said

- A millennium before Europeans were wiling to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions!

Vedas – Ancient Knowledge Treasures

Vedic Seers were the scientists of their times.

The ancient Indian vedic texts are the oldest texts in the world and contain treasures of knowledge in them.

It is a common allegation that – The moment a new discovery is made in modern science, vedic scholars line up claiming that ”vedic texts already said this” and refer to some random quote or hymn from the vedic texts.

Now let us start with the above famous quote from Einstein when he said ”We should be thankful to Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery would have been possible“.

Einstein was referring to the invention of modern mathematics by ancient Indians. The entire science and technology today is based on the mathematics invented by ancient vedic scholars. Just have a look at the mathematics followed by ancient Greeks where each number was represented by a unique symbol, so if we had 100 numbers then there were 100 symbols, and as they ran out of new symbols, they invented more and more new symbols. 100 was represented by C, 50 by L, thousand by M and so on. Now with this kind of mathematics one could hardly do anything other than simple addition. Have you ever tried doing a simple multiplication using Roman Numbers? These numbers were fit for nothing else other than decorating the digits on a clock.

Now compare this to the mathematics invented by the ancient vedic scholars. Here we use only a limited set of symbols, say 9 symbols from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and use a combination of these to represent ANY numeric value no matter how huge be it 25 or 872134870235. Yes, the place value system using bases was invented by the ancient Indians, and as a by-product of this invention they also invented zero (the word zero itself is derived from Sanskrit word Shunya which means Nothing) to represent empty places without any value, because without zero you cannot use place value system to differentiate between 11 and 101. And as Einstein rightly said, the entire modern science and mathematics is based on these Hindu numerals (also called Hindu-Arabic Numerals because it was the Arab merchants who came from India who had introduced this system to Europe). No software could be written and so no computers would have been possible without the invention of zero, isn’t  it? All software after all run on binary or the base 2 system – zero and one.

Now, would it look odd if I said that the modern arithmetic is already described in the vedas or other ancient Sanskrit texts? I don’t think so, because that is where it came from. Pythagoras after whom the famous theorem is named, never gave a proof of his theorem and is said to have learnt the statement of the theorem which relates the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle to the other two sides of that triangle – on a visit to India! Voltaire, a great french philosopher and writer said that, Pythagoras went from Samos to the shores of Ganga in India to learn Geometry.

Ancient vedic texts speak about telepathy and conversations between people who were geographically located far away from each other, and were ridiculed as being unscientific in nature by modern scientific public. Many even today believe that this kind of distant communication is unscientific. But not those who know quantum mechanics and who have studied that non-locality or instantaneous communication between two particles located light years apart from each other is a fundamental aspect of nature. This Instantaneous Communication in quantum mechanics and has been proved again and again, and physicists are still trying to understand how it works. And when I say that ancient vedic seers had mastered the technique of instantaneous communications (probably by mastering this aspect of quantum mechanics), would it be fair to say that I said it only after quantum mechanical nature of particles was discovered? Wasn’t this being told from the very day these texts were written?

Vedic Chants and Positive Influence on Human Minds

Ancient vedic chants are said to bring positive influence on human minds and actions. It is said that they were designed (or written) to be so – pools of positive energy stimulating and encouraging our minds to be good, to do good and to feel good. But till yesterday modern science was rejecting this claim. But a recent Russian discovery has proved that human DNA is like a biological internet which listens to external sound vibrations and behaves accordingly, as if it is being directed and told to perform so.

Now if I say that vedic texts had already told this, that vedic chants can influence human actions and bring in positive mood, will it be fair to accuse me of making use of a modern discovery to prove an ancient point. Weren’t the ancient texts already saying this? While modern science till yesterday was saying that 90% of human DNA was junk, the above said and other recent discoveries have only proved that Modern science till now actually did not understand 90% of the DNA. Even today Modern science is unable to explain how did the human brain suddenly evolve so large and so organized to make us an intelligent species!

Please note that Modern Science is still evolving and not perfect. It has not answered ALL the questions. There is a difference between the science we know and the actual science according to which nature functions. What we called as science during the days of Ptolemy is not science today. Einstein proved Newton wrong, and quantum mechanics may prove Einstein wrong. What we know as science today may not remain so tomorrow. Humanity is still on the path of understanding nature. We have hundreds of unanswered questions in all fields of science. So in the name of science (like how fanatics do in the name of God) let us not outrightly reject all the ancient knowledge as nonsense, we need to remember that while our modern science has evolved only in the past 500 years or so, there are ancient civilizations which have lived for thousands of years continuously, and so there are greater possibilities that they knew much better than us.

Evolution of Human Species

Long before modern science up with the theory of evolution, vedic texts had said that human species had to cross 8.4 million other species before coming into existence, which means that before humans came into existence 8.4 million other species had already evolved. Now if I say that theory of evolution was mentioned in the ancient sanskrit texts, will it be right to ridicule it saying I am just making use of some number in an ancient hymn to make the texts look scientific?

Om – the Universal Vibration and String Theory

String Theory states that entire universe is filled with Vibrations, and so do Vedas calling this vibration Om

The critics say that vedic scholars only talk about already done inventions or discoveries to prove the texts as being scientific, and not predict some yet to be discovered fact. Well, the fact is, vedic texts have been saying what they have to for thousands of years, only those who listen to it do so after a corresponding scientific discovery is made.

Take the case of string theory. You can take any vedic text thousands of years old, or commentaries on vedic texts by scholars centuries old, or even those works at the beginning of the last century, and they all say that the entire universe is made up of vibrations, and the vedic hymn Om (0r aum) symbolizes this universal vibration. But all these days this vedic statement was said to be unscientific – claiming that there are no such vibrations in the universe, its only quantum particles everywhere, so on and so forth.

Very recently, in the past few decades, String theory was put forward by eminent scientists, and the very basis of this string theory which is trying to unify gravity and quantum mechanics is that, the entire universe finally is made up of vibrating entities titled strings – every single particle in this universe, even space, gravity, matter, light all are made up of vibrations of different frequencies – is what the String theory says.

Now isn’t this what the ancient vedic texts said, what the vedic scholars had been saying – which was called unscientific till a century back, and today if somebody says that “vedic texts spoke about universal vibrations just like how modern string theory does“, would it be fair to accuse saying that, “only after the discovery of string theory are the vedic scholars saying this“, while the matter of fact is that you can pick up any older book or work and read about it.

What is interesting to note here is that this kind of allegation is done NOT by the scientists who worked on these actual discoveries, but only by the so called prejudiced readers of these scientific discoveries who do not want to believe that some new discovery or invention had already been described in some ancient text. While the father of Modern atomic bomb had no hesitation saying that Bhagavadgita contained the description of a nuclear explosion, our modern popular-science book readers without having ever read Bhagavadgita nor having solved a relativistic equation – reject this statement outrightly.

Consider the simple fact. Almost all of the modern science and technology was discovered and invented in just the past 500 years or so. The ancient Indian vedic civilization spanned at least 5000 years. Now if in just 500 years so much of science and technology could be achieved, one can only imagine how much would have been achieved in 5000 years.

Layers of Skin

Now take this fact. Modern science says that skin has 4-5 layers, where as Ayurveda says that skin has 7 layers! Now tomorrow when Modern Science discovers the other two layers in the skin, would it be wrong for vedic scholars or ayurvedic doctors to claim that the ayurvedic texts already spoke about this?

Types of Sleep

While modern science talks about three states of mind – awakening, dreaming and deep sleep – which is described by vedic texts as Jagruti, Swapna and Sushupti respectively, the vedic texts also describe a fourth state of mind called Turiya which is said to be beyond these three states and is not described by modern science. Now tomorrow when modern science discovers this fourth state of mind, wouldn’t it be fair for vedic scholars to claim that the vedic seers knew about this fourth state of mind too?

And I can go on and on like this citing examples. But that does not mean to claim that whatever is discovered or will be discovered is already mentioned in the ancient texts. All it means is that when a vedic scholar makes such claim, it needs to be investigated by studying those texts and the claim needs to be verified, not rejected over right.

After all, the great scientists and scholars mentioned at the beginning of this article cannot be all wrong, there must be some substance to their statements. Scientists like Subhash Kak who has written about the Astronomical code in the Rigveda, Rick Briggs of NASA who is doing research on Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence, or S S De and P V Vartak who discovered the Speed of Light mentioned in the commentaries on Rig Veda all should have based their studies on some solid foundation. Isn’t it?

While modern science is still struggling to understand how on earth were the pyramids of Egypt built, will it be an exaggeration to say that the first private aircraft in History was owned by Ravana, the king of Lanka in the Tretayuga during the period of Ramayana and the aircraft was called Pushpaka Vimana – and note that this was at least 7000 years back as per the Astronomical dating of Ramayana

And finally, for those who can understand it, here is a quote by the English Philosopher Alan Watts

To the philosophers of India, however, Relativity is no new discovery, just as the concept of light years is no matter for astonishment to people used to thinking of time in millions of kalpas, (A kalpa is about 4,320,000 years). The fact that the wise men of India have not been concerned with technological applications of this knowledge arises from the circumstance that technology is but one of innumerable ways of applying it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Chaos Theory!!

Just when you thought that this world around you is simple to perceive..... 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The future is here--->>Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Computers that can think and react are no longer just something you come across in science fiction. They are now a reality and can be seen doing everything from taking messages to assisting in surgery. As humans, we like to think of ourselves as intelligent beings; as having the ability to acquire knowledge, apply that knowledge, and adapt that knowledge to our particular experiences and situations. A simplistic example of this is learning to cook. We absorb knowledge by reading a recipe, watching others cook the recipe, and perhaps even taking a class to learn how to cook that recipe. Then when we actually try that recipe, we may find it needs more salt. So the next time we cook that recipe, we adjust it. Thus we adapt our knowledge through our experience.

Artificial intelligence is no different, however, instead of humans, it is the capability of a man-made device, such as a computer, robot or toy, to think it ways that we as humans think. Artificial intelligence in a machine is much more than just the input of data, it also involves the machine being able to apply that data, reason with that information, and to learn and grow through experience. Computers have surpassed the input of just bytes and bits and spitting out punch cards and reams of paper. Todays computers have gone far beyond just keyboard entry; they can also respond to voice commands and visual signals.

The field of Artificial Intelligence includes the actual science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. In addition, artificial intelligence can be looked at as the study of machines and man-made systems which can be programmed to act in a manner that mimics human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, which is also referred to as AI, implies that machines will be able to mimic that human behavior of learning through experience; such as learning that a recipe needs more salt. Science fiction novels and movies often portray computers and robots as machines that are indeed capable of acquiring intelligence and even surpassing the capabilities of the human mind.

AI is advancing on many fronts. There are a number of sub-disciplines that contribute to the science and technology of creating machines that are capable of artificial intelligence. These areas include:

Natural Language Processing


Neural Networks

Game Playing

Expert Systems

But there are many individuals who do not believe that a machine with a reasoning, artistic, changing and adaptable mind can ever be created. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence make the assumption that human intelligence and reasoning, in its most basic form, can be reduced to a set of symbols, such as 0s and 1s. Manipulating these symbols is then a form of intelligence. Philosophers argue that although computers may do tasks that require intelligence, such as solving complex mathematical problems, computers can only appear to be intelligence. Computers are merely simulating intelligent behavior. One philosopher, John Searle, says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is simply incoherent.

Today AI research is working to produce machines that can automate a multitude of human tasks that traditionally required what we would call human intelligence to complete. Some of the current tasks that being passed on to machines include: military uses including scheduling, robotic soldiers and self flying planes;customer relationship software that can answer customers questions on products; understanding and transcribing speech (a very beneficial task for individuals with disabilities); motorized robotic vacuums and lawnmowers, robotic doctors and nurses, and even cars that can adjust the heating, air conditioning and radio stations through the owners voice commands.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The War is ON!!

Fight among your friends, the best brand, company, etc. Its FUN.
The Fight is based on the number of keyword searches on google all over the world.
Click on the Image to ENTER the FIGHT!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Acer’s Multi Touch Laptop – Iconia

Tablet Computer Acer’s Multi Touch Laptop – Iconia
Acer has launched a beautiful gadget sensation in the market for all you tech-savvies. Acer has announced its new multi-touch screen laptop, which also features a tablet’s functions. This new sensation is named Iconia by Acer. It is the first of its kind in the market among its contemporaries. You won’t find any physical keyboard on this laptop, eliminating the old fashioned working style.
The onscreen keyboard can be used for typing purpose with the choice of having multiple styles and skins as its backgrounds. The user can use the screen both for watching movies and surfing the net at the same point of time. The working seems, as if there are two monitors on a computer.
The most appreciable feature in the Acer Iconia is its hardware comprising of most developed technologies, and moreover is also powered by Windows 7. It has an Intel Core i5 CPU which has scintillating working, along with it comes the DDR3 memory of 4GB, which is the fastest so far, in the market. The notebook comes with two 14-inch multi-touch screens with resolution of 1366×768 mm. Highlighting these two screens are Intel HD graphics with a decent RAM capability of 128MB. One of the most prominent problems of this product is of cooling displays, as the processor and VGA card produces a lot of heat, resulting in the display screen getting extremely hot. Also the system is compatible with a hard drive ranging from 320 GB to 750 GB.
The laptop also comprises of VGA and HDMI outputs, an S/PDIF interface and an in-built microphone. As far as wireless connectivity is concerned, it has an 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0 and integrated 3G WLAN, which is almost like the cherry on the cake. It also consists of a gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and the super fast USB 3.0 jack.
The only drawback lies in the battery department, the 4 cell batteries are a bit too less for carrying off the Acer Iconia. Otherwise the device weighs 6.18 pounds, which is quite heavy, but along with it comes the freedom of enjoying your favorite content on two multi touch screens at a time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anna Hazare Strike - A Scripted Reality Show??

(DISCLAIMER: This is just a reproduction of  an array of thoughts that passed through my mind in a logical manner, and I decided to share it. There's no intention to hurt anyone's feelings in any way.)

A thought just crossed my mind about Anna Hazare's strike. Thinking the usual way(or the way it is being portrayed) Anna came to me as  God like figure, who came forward to uplift the future of our nation. Then suddenly.... I started being skeptical about the whole scenario that has been in the limelight in these past few days.
Before moving further lets get some facts cleared to support my argument....

1.2G Telecoms licence Scam
  The 2G scam becomes more aggressive when in its report, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)  said rules were flouted when the licences were given in 2007-08 which led to many  ineligible firms getting them. Telecoms Minister Andimuthu Raja was sacked after a report by India's state auditor said his ministry sold licences and spectrum below market prices, depriving the government of up to USD 39 billion in revenues.
  The scandal swept up as high as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who had to explain to the Supreme Court why he sat on a request for permission to charge Raja with corruption. The CBI has launched an investigation into alleged corruption at the ministry. 
  Nobody has been charged yet and Raja has denied any wrongdoing. The CAG said Unitech units got licences despite having inadequate capital, Swan Telecom got a licence even though there were monopoly issues and Reliance Communications got undue benefits as it sought permission to offer services under the more popular GSM technology.
  Revenue authorities have questioned Nira Radia, a top lobbyist, as part of an  investigation into whether money laundering and forex laws were broken when the licences were purchased. Nira Radia has denied any wrongdoing and has said she is cooperating with the probe.

2. Commonwealth Games 2010
  Allegations of corruption over the Commonwealth games 2010  event that took place  in Delhi in October 2010 are being investigated by several bodies including the anti-corruption watchdog, the state auditor, the CBI and a special committee set up by Prime Minister Singh. 
                       Commonwealth games 2010 Stadium        
                       Commonwealth games Stadium   
  The Congress-party led coalition government came under fierce criticism for  mismanagement and ineptitude over the sporting extravaganza which cost up to Rs. 70,000 crore (USD  6 billion). Allegations of corruption spanned a broad spectrum including issuing of contracts and purchase of equipment -- from treadmills to toilet rolls. India's anti-corruption watchdog has identified more than 16 projects with  possible irregularities.
  The Congress party eventually sacked Suresh Kalmadi, chairman of the organising  committee, as secretary of the party's parliamentary wing. Aides have been arrested and local media has said Kalmadi could be arrested once  he returns back from a foreign trip.

3.Asdarsah Housing scam 2010
  Adarsah Housing society scam in Mumbai was one of the biggest scam in Mumbai in 2010. Congress party politicians, bureaucrats and military officials have been accused of taking over land meant for building apartments for war widows. The CBI has begun investigating the case when pressure was mounted by opposition parties in Parliament.
  Local media say apartments with a value of USD 1.8 million were sold for as little as USD 130,000 each in the apartment block, which faces the Arabian Sea in one of the world's most expensive stretches of real estate in Mumbai.
  The government has sacked the chief minister of western Maharashtra state, Ashok Chavan, who is a member of Congress.
  The apartment block is also being investigated for several violations of norms,including environmental laws and land-use rules. The government has now effectively taken back permissions allowing owners to occupy the apartments, which are required for water and power supplies, leading to the disconnection of these services.

4. Loan bribery case 2010
  The case broke after a year of investigation on November 24 when the Central  Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested eight people, accusing them of bribery  for corporate loans.
The arrests included the chief executive of state-run mortgage lender LIC Housing Finance and senior officials at state-run Central Bank of India, Punjab  National Bank and Bank of India. While the size of the scandal is not yet known, local media have reported it could run into hundreds of millions of dollars.
  The CBI is probing 21 companies involved in India's booming infrastructure sector for links, but has not named them.
 The bribes were allegedly paid by private finance firm Money Matters Financial  Services, which acted as a "mediator and facilitator" for the loan beneficiaries, the CBI said.
Companies whose officials have been arrested have all denied any wrongdoing. Individuals arrested have not yet commented. Government officials, including ministers, have said this is a case of individual wrongdoing and not a widespread scam.
5.Satyam Computers 2009
  The founder of Satyam Computer Services, one of India's top software firms, resigned in January 2009 after admitting profits were falsely inflated for years.The fraud, estimated at USD 1 billion, was India's largest corporate scandal and was dubbed "India's Enron". With clients abandoning it, shares were hammered down to near-penny-stock levels.
  The government stepped in to save the firm by appointing a new board of directors and midwifed its sale to Tech Mahindra. The firm is now called Mahindra Satyam.
  The founder chairman of Satyam, Ramalinga Raju, and other officials including the then chief executive officer and chief financial officer, were arrested under several charges including fraud. The cases continue in court. The defendants have said they were not involved in the fraud.

Now.... all these scams have hit the ruling party directly, to an extent that it may be removed from power in the next elections. Even the party is shaky about its place in future.

Now the question arises... What can the party do to regain the confidence of the public??
And a simple answer to this question would be "Somehow Stop Corruption among its Officials"

Co-relating this simple answer to what has happened in the past week makes perfect sense.
RESULT of the Strike : Their aim to stop corruption has taken an initiative, and that too involving the local public like never before, thus regaining the lost confidence in the party to some extent.

Can this all be a part of a MASTER PLAN ??

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wi-Fi cars hitting the information superhighway!!

More cars are hitting the information superhighway thanks to new automotive Wi-Fi technology that allows vehicles to become rolling "hot spots." 

Analysts say consumers are warming to the notion of more connectivity in their cars, with "apps" for information and entertainment just as they have with their smartphones or tablet computers. 

"Initially, putting Internet access in the car sounds like a distraction and frivolous but as time passes it will become a part of our lives and we will feel uncomfortable not having access," said Jeff Kagan, an independent telecoms analyst. 

"I think this is going to grow into a vibrant sector." 

Market research firm iSuppli said it expects a surge in worldwide shipments of car Wi-Fi systems to 7.2 million units by 2017, from just 174,000 in 2010. 

Wi-Fi has been around for several years as an aftermarket accessory but many major manufacturers now offer some form of Wi-Fi or are developing it. 

Ford has been offering Wi-Fi in selected models since 2010 and some form of Internet access is also offered by many other major automakers including General Motors, BMW , Audi, Saab and Chrysler. 

In mid-March, Finnish telecom giant Nokia announced the launch of a Car Connectivity Consortium of 11 companies with common technical standards, including vehicle manufacturers Daimler, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota , and Volkswagen . 

Autonet Mobile, a California-based firm that touts itself as the "first Internet-based telematics and applications service platform" for the auto market, has over 10,000 US customers using its CarFi service at $29 a month, said chief executive Sterling Pratz. 

The group recently signed agreements with General Motors and Subaru. 

Pratz told AFP that consumers are looking for better entertainment options for passengers in their vehicles and use Wi-Fi for videos, gaming and social networking. 

"They feel there is a better way to stay entertained in the car compared with the DVD player. They lead a connected lifestyle and when they get in the car they feel disconnected," he said. 

A next step, Pratz said, is other types of applications that can allow parents to monitor speeds of their teen drivers and to find their car if it is stolen. 

Autonet, which started in 2005 and has funding from venture capital firms, only operates in the US market but Pratz says he plans talks with European carmakers and is considering Asia as well. 

In Europe, Audi is using a system from Marvell Technology and Harman Automotive to create a factory-installed mobile hotspot, allowing up to eight devices to be connected. 

"I believe today's consumers want the convenience of seamless connectivity and live content whenever and wherever they choose -- whether in the home, office, classroom or automobile," said Weili Dai, Marvell's co-founder and vice president in announcing the system. 

"Finally, the car is connected to the rest of our lives." 

Saab meanwhile has announced its own system based on Google's Android operating system, dubbed IQon, touted as "a completely new car infotainment user experience." 

The Swedish automaker will allow third-party developers to develop "apps" by accessing 500 signals from different sensors in the vehicle. 

"With Saab IQon, there are no limits to the potential for innovation," said Saab's Johan Formgren. "We will be inviting the global Android developer community to use their imagination and ingenuity." 

Analysts say the market is likely to grow as more applications become available -- for entertainment, navigation or even for diagnostics of the automobile. 

Yet a key question for developers of the technology is whether to offer Wi-Fi as a separate data system or allow consumers to bring their own. 

Ford's Wi-Fi system called MyFord Touch, which is added to its SYNC connectivity for mobile phones and music players, offers no separate data plan but instead allows consumers to plug in their own devices -- smartphones, tablet computers or wireless cards. 

This not only allows consumers to avoid a new data fee but enables easier adaption of a rapidly changing market for wireless devices, said Ford spokesman Alan Hall. 

"We created the ability for a customer to bring in their 3G and 4G devices, and the car can take that signal and turn it into a Wi-Fi signal for four or five passengers in the car," Hall told AFP. 

Ford expects to have this Wi-Fi system on 80 percent of its cars sold in North America within four years, Hall said, and is also launching the system globally next year. 

Doug Newcomb of the auto research firm said the Ford strategy appears to make more sense rather than asking customers to pay an additional monthly data subscription. 

"Several years ago before smartphones and the iPad, (a separate Wi-Fi system) might have made more sense," Newcomb said. 

"Now, people are saying, 'If I have an iPad with 3G why would I need this in the car, why should I pay for another data plan?'... I think the focus now will be how to incorporate the smartphone into the vehicle."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

20 Creative Facebook Profiles

Facebook is a monster of a site with over half a billion users! Many of the users try to make their profile more creative than the everyone else’s and when the new facebook profile layouts came along late last year so did the creative profiles, and here is 20 of our favourites.

Rob McCann


Tamara Lynn Luke-Kwan




Cyril Boggs Serrano


Imran Latheef


Lexy Page


Nicolas Pittet


Marc Laurnt-Atthalin
